About service

Corpus of Ukrainian Encyclopedias: Bibliographic Index is an online reference informational service about encyclopedic works (encyclopedias, encyclopedic lexicons) published in Ukraine or by Ukrainers worldwide. Created 2017 by NASU Institute of Encyclopedic Research.

Service's goal is to collect and systematization the basic supporting information on encyclopedias, encyclopedic lexicons, as well as to help users find and identify an encyclopedic work (for readers, researchers or founders of encyclopedias).

This Index is a catalog of encyclopedic works that were published both by professional teams (scholars, editors) and amateurs.

Service's mission is to contribute to the science advancement in Ukraine, to provide encyclopedic knowledge, and to increase the role of encyclopedias in the information environment of Ukraine.


Structured according to the types of encyclopedias: general encyclopedias, regional encyclopedias, subject-specific encyclopedias and encyclopedias of persons. Encyclopedias for children's presented as a separate type as well.

The basic supporting information on works is the following metadata: full title, compiler(s) / autor(s) / editor(s), etc., place and year of publication.

Bibliographic information about encyclopaedias is shown in tables with the ability to search or sort information for each field.

For encyclopedia makers

This Index has been permanently updating with new reference works as soon as they are published. So, to cover all new encyclopedias or encyclopedic lexicons, we invite authors or users to inform us about new published recently encyclopedias, encyclopedic dictionaries or encyclopedic references (contacts).

How to cite (APA)

Zhelezniak, M. & Ishchenko, O. (Eds.). (2025). Corpus of Ukrainian Encyclopedias: Bibliographic Index. Kyiv: Institute of Encyclopedic Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. doi: https://doi.org/10.37068/b/cuebi

Identifiable info

ISBN: 978-966-02-9625-1

DOI: 10.37068/b/cuebi